Saturday, November 5, 2011

Attention leaks

After sehri this morning, I prayed a few raka'ahs of tahajjud and sat to make du'a.  I was trying to take advantage of the last third of the night, when prayers are more likely to be answered.  But I struggled.  I kept getting tempted to open my computer -- to look at what, I don't really know.  But I could barely sit still.  I actually walked to my computer and then walked myself back to my prayer mat a couple of times.

Later in the day, I prayed at the Pickering Islamic Centre.  It's a beautiful masjid.  One of my favourites.  And I found it so much easier to pray.  And to focus.  And still my mind.  It was amazing.

It was as if my attention was water in a dam and distractions like my computer were leaks in that dam, allowing my attention to trickle away.  When I was at the masjid, I could focus.  The dam held.  There were no leaks.  Now I just need to figure out how to plug those leaks when they appear.  Because Pickering is a long way to go to focus and pray.

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