Thursday, April 17, 2014

A matter of starting

It's one of those lessons that I seem to learn and forget and keep having to learn again...

There's some big task that I need to do and I find myself procrastinating. 

It might be my taxes, some piece of writing, or the work that goes into coordinating a community event.

And as I procrastinate, the thought of that task weighs on my mind constantly.  I may be doing something else or nothing at all (I've learned to procrastinate in different ways :p) yet I'm constantly thinking that I need to do this thing.  It can go on for weeks.  A constant level of stress and anxiety about something I'm not doing but should be doing.

The funny thing is, after all this stress, there's always a way out.  And it's not even that hard.

I just have to start.

Instead of thinking about the whole task in all its complexity, I just need to do the first thing.  The tiniest little first step of the whole process.  It might be picking up a pen and opening my notebook and starting a checklist.  Or looking up some information or sending an email..  Or dialing a number and asking a question.  It's never anything extraordinary or complicated.  Just a single action, which often naturally leads to another action, and another.  And sometimes that's all it takes to get the whole thing done.  And if not, I will at least feel so much better for having started.

And then I just need to do the first little thing to get started on the next part.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Not a final exam

I attended a talk by Amira Hass a couple of years ago where someone asked her if the protests we saw in Israel that summer would bring about social change.  In her answer, she said that social change is not like a final exam.  It's not a one time event that we prepare for, execute and then forget about afterwards.

That's true for a lot of things.

Maybe the problem is that we're in school for so long that we forget this.

Life isn't a series of semesters where you take a course, write the exam, pass and get the certificate.

It's about showing up every day and doing what it takes to make things work and make things better.  Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year...

It's how relationships work.  How businesses work.  How society and social change work.  It's how life works.

It isn't a final exam.